Fundamentals of Coaching

Course details

If you work in a leadership role, you know how important it is to communicate effectively with your team. Improving your coaching skills strengthens communication. It also promotes good leadership and psychological safety. When you effectively coach team members, you can inspire growth and development and foster an engaged workplace. 

Learning outcomes

This course introduces you to the coaching mindset and International Coaching Federation (ICF) coaching. You learn to shift from managing and directing into coaching when you need to. You gain key coaching skills that include:

  • Intentional change coaching process
  • the advantage of a strengths-based, presence-based approach
  • key communication skills such as active listening and open-ended questions
  • when to use closed instead of open-ended questions.

Course topics

 In this two-day course you explore:

  • strengths-based coaching
  • using rapport, and building trust and safety in a relationship 
  • partnering approach in coaching 
  • practicing presence
  • Creating clear agreements for coaching engagement and coaching sessions 
  • The connections between mindsets and behaviors
  • active listening skills 
  • how to support the client’s desired outcomes 
  • awareness through metaphor, reflections and shared observations. 
  • coaching skills in feedback situations 
  • the difference between internal from external coaching

Course delivery

Course Code: MSFC 001 | Section Code: S24N70

Dates: March 23-24, 2024 | Saturday & Sunday

Times: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Delivery: In-person

Tuition: $899+GST

Register for Fundamentals of Coaching

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Instructor: Sharon Kelly, MA, MCC, NBC-HWC

My approach is strengths-based and rooted in personal visioning, mindset-work and developing self-awareness, personal choice, agency, habit formation, and accountability. I believe we can each enhance our own resilience through mindfully attending to our own values, habits, actions, and thinking processes.

I love learning about neuroscience-based psychology, as well as mindset and habits, and applying these concepts to learning, growth, and development. I believe coaching is a modality of learning that serves to support each person’s individually derived learning plan. I love to facilitate, and coach and it is a pleasure to get to both share coaching and facilitate this course.

My coaching experience includes collaborating with a variety of clients, including emerging leaders, new to mid-level management, executive directors, university students, coaches, and entrepreneurs in a range of industries including tech, oil and gas, media, communications, health care, pharmaceuticals, government, and finance.

I have experience teaching at the university level as well as in the field of Recreation. Leveraging leisure for energy and life enjoyment is part of my whole life approach.

Credentials include: MA in Leisure Studies, ICF Master Certified Coach (MCC), National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), Narrative Coaching, Enhanced Practitioner, Gottman Couples Therapy Levels 1 and 2, Neurozone Advance Certified Coach, Conscious Business Coach training and the ICF’s PCC Marker training.

I live by the ocean and near awesome trails and wilderness sites, so I slip into nature in all seasons for hiking and, notably in the summer for camping and ocean swims.